With the start of the new season, there is a VYC One app update.
Android: 10.1.74
After updating, please try logging out of the app. If this doesn’t work, completely uninstall and reinstall it from your store.
New Features:
Option to view the complete GPS profile of your team members from the start of a task.
Ability to display only the pins of your team members.
Switch between gross and net area views.
Dropdown menu with standard responses for repair and infestation POIs.
The app switches to offline mode when a 3G connection or lower is detected, ensuring data consistency.
Technical Updates:
The validity of the refresh token is now checked during every login, requiring at least 3 seconds for the process.
GPS positions are transmitted after every 100 new coordinates to optimize data usage, which may result in slight delays in displaying team pins.
Time tracking entries are recorded in real-time within the app but are only finalized and saved in the system after a task is completed or canceled, ensuring optimal data accuracy.
Bug Fixes:
Resolved an issue where an expired refresh token could lead to inconsistencies and app crashes.
Fixed an error where the POI layer was not updating correctly, causing issues with creating, editing, and deleting POIs.

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